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Hey Everyone!
Club Penguin is one of the games that has the maximum number of Catalogs. Some of the catalogs are the -> Penguin Style Catalog, Puffle Catalog, Costume Trunk Catalog, Igloo and Furniture Catalog, Card Jitsu Catalog & Snow and Sports Catalog. Let me share the cheats with you guys!

Penguin Style Catalog! 

If you flip over to the fourth page and click on the right side of the Stone Necklace, you will get the Great Bone Necklace. 

If you flip over to the fifth page and click on the foot mark next to the Cavegeek glasses, you will get the Prehistoric Helmet. 

If you flip over to the sixth page and click on the posed penguin's Primal Headdress, you will get the Prehistoric Staff. 

If you flip over to the eight page and click on the Bonnytail, you will get the Great Horn Mask. 

Those are all the cheats for the January, 2014 Penguin Style Catalog. The rest of the cheats haven't been included because they're from the last month. 

Puffle Catalog!

If you flip over to the eight page and click on the Migrator Ship, you will get the Puffle Condo.

If you flip over to the twelfth page and click on the Penguin Toy Clown, you will get the Water Dish.

Costume Trunk!

There are no cheats in the Costume Trunk catalog for January 2014. If there's any cheat you find, please email them to - trollclubpenguin7@gmail.com and we will make sure that you get some credit.

Furniture and Igloo Catalog!
If you flip over to the 4th page and click on the Fish Fossil, you will get the Cave Igloo. 

If you flip over to the 5th page and click on the Designer Log Stool, you will get the Acacia tree. 

If you flip over to the 28th page and click on the Sunny Sky Floor, you will get the Terracotta tile.

Card Jistu Catalog Cheats!
To find the Bolt and the Thunder Gi, go to page 5 and click on the leafs on the top right corner.

Snow and Sports Catalog!

Flip over to  page 13, Click on the Silver Watch for the Goalie Helmet. 

On the 14th page, Click on the Hockey Stick to get the Goalie Hockey Stick.

That's it with the January 2014 Cheats. This page will now be updated in the month of February 2014.


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